Membership Application Essay There was an additional page, but its content is elsewhere in this blog. Setting: I was invited to apply for a board member position with the Greater Hampton Roads HIV Health Services Planning Council, seemingly after I began publicly (visible on social media) working with the Virginia Dept. of Health on policy analysis and legislative issues; and I, of course, accepted the opportunity with joy and humility. ¿ But, who do they want? Context: There is truly only the multiplicity to describe me, with some folks aware of this or that aspect, and others both and neither; the myriads of form always follow a specific function. So, when I am here, then, I am not there; and thus, as long as volition is my own, I place myself in whatever configuration is most immediately desired . Hence, the risk of Being comfortable is always already measured against the troubled happenstance of reconciling contradictions ; which ...
Writings in Anthropology & Public Health